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Garcia-Thomas Memoji

Mrs. Isabel Garcia-Thomas
Hours: 10am - 6pm, Room 305

Chavez School

Meet Our

Located in the
Family Resource Center

Juarez, mimoji

Ms. Paulina Juarez
Hours: 7:30am - 3:30pm, Room 302

About Us:

Our mission is to empower all students to maximize their learning through a comprehensive school counseling program that supports academic, social/emotional, and college and career development.

We Can Help You With:

  • two hands holding a heart and a graduation cap, all in red
    Academics & Attendance
  • Small group instruction
  • Individual instruction
  • Referral to resources
  • Consultation/Collaboration
  • Wellness Center Activities

Fill out the self-referral form.

Teacher/Parent Referral:
Fill out the Google Form.

Contact Us:

Ms. Juarez
805-385-1524 Ext. 3296
or scan the QR code

Mrs. Garcia-Thomas
805-385-1524 Ext. 3215
or scan the QR code